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Our thermometers against legionellosis

Our thermometers against legionellosis

What is legionellosis? 

Legionellosis is a infection pulmonary serious caused by a bacterium named Legionella. It is not a contagious disease from one person to another. Legionellosis essentially affects adults and more particularly affects people presenting factors favorable.

There are more than 50 species of legionella strains, but only some of them are at the origin infections human. The strains most commonly associated with legionellosis in France are the Legionella pneumophila.

Legionellosis bacteria

How do we contract legionellosis?

THE legionella are present in its natural state in the waters soft (lakes and rivers) and the floors damp. From the natural environment, the bacteria can colonize the installations which offer them conditions favorable to their development (stagnation water, temperature water between 25 and 45 ° C, presence of nutrients).

Contamination is made by way respiratory And by inhalation contaminated water broadcast in aerosol.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms are generally similar to those of a flu : fever, chills, coughs, breathing difficulties and sometimes other signs such as nausea and confusion. They appear at the end of 2 to 10 days after contamination by legionella, and in the majority cases in 5 to 6 days.

For them patients who present the symptoms of the disease, there are several methods to confirm the diagnosis of legionellosis: among other things, the search for The antigen of Legionella pneumophila of serogroup 1 (in question in more than 90% of cases) in urine, research by blood tests (2 tests are necessary for 3-4 weeks apart), and the search for strains from Pulmonary samples (" culture ").

A cough

Legionellosis: a serious pathology?

There severity of the infection depends on several factors, including the virulence of strain contracted and vulnerability of the individual (smoking, age, immunocompromised people, transplanted, people with diabetes, kidney failure, coexistence of a chronic disease, etc.).

THE consequences sanitary facilities for legionella can take the form:
 infections non-pulmonary of the influenza type (Pontiac fevers in particular) whose outcome is generally favorable;
 infections pulmonary serious, legionellosis.

Legionellosis is a pneumonia severe. There lethality, although weaker than in the past, reached 11%.

How to prevent legionellosis?

You can use Our thermometers to protect you from legionellosis because the temperature water is a crucial factor in the prevention of this disease. Legionella, the bacterium responsible for the Legionellosis, developed mainly in stagnant hot water conditions, Between 35 and 45 ° C. THE Thermometers for legionella is essential to monitor the water temperature. Indeed, for avoid contaminated water, it must have a temperature of more than 50 ° C for hot water and Less than 20 ° C For cold water. This helps maintain installations safe, whether in hotels, of the care centers health, residential complexes or other environments where water quality is essential for public health.

Our thermometers for controlling legionellosis?

As part of Legionellosis prevention, we have a collection of devices specially designed to control this disease. We offer you 3 infrared thermometers And 3 thermometers

Our infrared thermometers 

Among the infrared thermometers, you have available Raytemp 8, THE Raytemp Blue and the Raytemp 28.

THE Raytemp 8 is distinguished by its flexibility and its ability to make precise measurements in a Large range of temperatures, going from -60 at 500 ° C In infrared mode. He is distinguished by his Performance-Prix report. Her adjustable emissivity and the Optical ratio of 12: 1 make it possible to identify risk areas where Legionella can develop. Little reminder, theemissivity, in thermography, is the capacity of a material to emit infrared energy. It varies from one surface to another. A specific adjustment can therefore make all the difference in your measurements. Whether in piping or the cooling towers, the Raytemp 8 is a superb device to maintain conditions unfavorable to the bacteria and ensure the public health. Whether you are a professional or an individual, this device is particularly suitable for both environments.

Raytemp 8

THE Raytemp Blue is distinguished by its main functionality, namely its Bluetooth system and its range up to 50 meters. The main advantage is its ability to save. This eliminates the listing of paper temperatures and thus eliminate human errors. In addition, with a temperature range between -49.9 to 349.9 ° C and a adjustable emissivity, this infrared thermometer allows precise and continuous monitoring of water points, crucial to prevent the growth of the Legionella. He also has a Precision of +/- 1 ° C and a 5: 1 optical ratio. The optical ratio is the capacity of a thermometer to measure the average with a diameter of 1 cm at a certain distance. In the case of the Blue thermometer, it can measure this diameter at a distance of 5cm maximum. 

THE Raytemp 28 is the Professional thermometer par excellence. With its Large temperature range between -50 and 1370 ° C, it also allows Measure the temperature remotely with sound Optical ratio of 30: 1. There personalization of emissivity and its Precision of +/- 2 ° C between 0 and 1350 ° C allow a precise detection of superficial temperatures water in air conditioning and heating systems, critical areas for Proliferation of Legionella.

Infrared thermometers will allow you to measure places that are hardly accessible with a probe. This is why you will have to take into account their optical report in order to choose the infrared thermometer adapted to your needs.

Our thermometers kits

We have three thermometers kits. The choice of your kit will depend on your use, your frequency of use and your field of activity. 

The first kit includes products for a Legionellosis control. Indeed, you will have a Therma Thermometer, a contact probe, a wire probe and a disinfectant wipe To clean your devices and probes after use. THE Therma thermometer 1, included in the kit, is designed for the sustainability with a Reinforced ABS plastic box an antibacterial additive Bimamaster which reduces the proliferation of bacteria. It is equipped with a Clear LCD display 12 mm for easy reading. Its Precision of +/- 0.4 ° C is supported by a Battery of a minimum lifespan of 5 years, ensuring a long -term reliability. It also offers readings ranging from -99.9 to 1372 ° C. There surface probe can be used to take the temperature of pipes and tanks, and wire probe To measure the water temperature.

OUR Second kit for control of the legionellosis is more complete. It contains the Therma therma thermometer 1 present in the first kit. In addition to two types of probes present in the first kit, you will also find a penetration probe which will allow you to take the water temperature as The probe wired. But what are their differences? The differences between these two probes will be done at the level of their features. According to your utility Also, you will not choose the same probe. There penetration probe is much more robust that the wire probe. In addition, this kit is delivered with a kitchen timer. This timer will allow you to calculate the time that the hot water will make the way, from the hot water tank. You also have a 35 wipes cardboard for the hygiene of your probes and your thermometer and a robust transport case, all two -year warranty.

OUR Last thermometer kit against legionellosis. It contains the same number of products as the previous kit but the products will not be the same. This robust kit includes a Therma thermometer Therma. With a measurement range going from -99.9 to 1372 ° C, the thermometer offers a Precision of ± 0.4 ° C. Her 15 mm liquid crystal display East backlit For easy reading, even in dark areas. There battery life is minimum of 5 years Or 10,000 hours of use. In addition, the ABS plastic housing Contains an antibacterial additive Bimamaster for additional hygiene and its IP66/67 protection index Allows you to use it in the wet places. There surface probe and the wire probe are the same as the preceding kit, however the penetration probe is waterproof. The kit also includes a Waterproof kitchen timer, a box of 100 cleaning wipes, and a Robust transport case in ABS.

Do not hesitate to push the search and watch the information of our different thermometers on note site If you need to know more about oven thermometers you can contact one of our Temperature sensors experts. You can also consult other items from Mag ’ which could just as much interest you:

Our industrial thermometers

Our Bluetooth thermometers


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