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☁️ Access temperatures monitoring 24 hours a day via the cloud ☁️
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☁️ Access temperatures monitoring 24 hours a day via the cloud ☁️
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Professional thermometer

Professional thermometer

You have certainly heard that the dog is man's best friend. That Nenni. Inasmuch as Professional measurement specialists In all its forms, our experts Affirm: Man's best friend is the thermometer! And for good reason, the Professional thermometer accompanies the largest production factories, the chefs of large restaurants as well as the most prodigious doctors and researchers for centuries (the man started to measure the temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius in 1624, that is to say). Let's go back to this measurement tool, its uses and different typologies, to help you Choose your thermometer.

The uses of professional thermometers

🍰 Food thermometer

You may know, but in the gastronomy sector and more generally French catering, we are not kidding with the cooking of meats or the temperature of the chocolate. Confectioners, pastry chefs and other chefs work daily with mercury thermometers, for example, are ideal for measuring the temperature of sugar syrup or frying oil. Of the Cooking thermometers Specific for ovens and barbecues (because these are high temperature thermometers) reinforce the precision of temperature sockets in the kitchen. Others Food thermometers With tips of penetration probes, they are used for a temperature gain at meat.

🩺 Medical thermometer

We are certainly holding here the star of professional thermometers: the medical thermometer. It is essential to measure body temperature and makes it possible to detect fever. To recognize it, no need to be a doctor because since the pediatrician has used an infrared thermometer To take your temperature when you were very small, you know it. In addition, although generally used by general practitioners, the thermometer under arms is also used by individuals. THE front thermometer Another medical device, rather used in companies since the start of the health crisis. Somewhat less famous but just as important in medical thermometers, you also find data recorders to properly keep vaccines.

🏭 Industrial thermometer

In all factories, laboratories and other working areas sensitive to temperature, you will find the industrial thermometers. It makes it possible to establish the right temperature of a room in order to ensure good working and conservation conditions and are essential to monitor the temperatures of the water supply for example. Manufacturers need High precision thermometers To guarantee precise temperatures throughout the year, indoors and outdoors.

❄️ equipment thermometer

Whether you are in the food, medical or industrial sector, a professional thermometer brings you together: the Thermometer equipment. These measurement tools are placed in the cold chambers of agrifood factories to comply with hygiene and safety standards, in the refrigerators of large restaurants or in the freezers of scientific laboratories. The thermometers equipment complete the Professional thermometers that punctuate your daily life.

Types of professional thermometers

Beyond the use of your professional thermometer, it is important to know globally The different types of thermometers existing in order to deepen your research. Indeed, you are not going to use a atrial thermometer (suitable for children because it goes through the ear canal as in the photo below) to monitor the temperature of your cold room or measure the cooking of a turkey ( Although trying to do it would be a funny experience).

To learn more about the types of thermometers for professionals, our thermal experts advise you to read Choose your thermometer in the complete guide.

Here is a non -exhaustive list of the types of thermometers and features adapted to professional use in food, medical and industry:

  • the electronic thermometer;
  • the professional infrared thermometer;
  • the wireless thermometer;
  • the digital or digital thermometer (sometimes very advanced in use with a LCD screen with backlight and large screen);
  • The multi-measurement thermometer.

Choose your professional thermometer

If a thermometer (from the Greek Thermo ("hot") and Metron ("measurement")) is a device which is used to measure and to display the value of the temperature, it is essential to choose it with the greatest precision. You will understand, each Professional thermometer has a good use to his own, each Thermometer type allows you to take the temperature differently and each Functionality and technological progress facilitate the grip and the use you will make of it.

You do not have all the information necessary to make your choice? No problem, our experts in professional measurement invite you to come back to the basics for Choose your thermometer If necessary or go further to find out more about the thermometer.

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